Ronald Seunig
Ronald "Ronnie" Seunig (born1964) Owner and Creator of Terra Technica shows his " magnificent technical Collection and Know How " to the public worldwide. Over the last 20 years he has accumulatet the worlds most comprehensive Collection of Jukeboxes in the World.He did the majority of restoring and repairing personally and he knows each screw and technology from these musicmachines .The thoughts of the Inventors and the practical implementation fascinates him everytime.
Ask Ron for his Collection Target --then You hear " 1001 " jukeboxes ..then i will be satisfied
....like the Rolling Stones ones said : I cant get no Satisfaction !
In 2006 Ron met Guenter Freinberger and found a rare Expert and Fan for the same Collection Hobby .They became big friends and Guenter became a partner of Terratechnica .
Together they have a unique experience for the world of exceptional collectables from a wide time frame to be enjoyed by all visitors .Who also loves this kind of technology.

Günter Freinberger
Guenter Freinberger (born 1961) had as a altar boy his first contact with a pinballmachine .He loves this game and the sound and colours of the machine and start to collect jukeboxes and Pinballmachines very early as a young technic guy.
After selling his company ( Digi Technik ) ,he devoted himself entirely to his passion and took over complete collections worldwide for his Pinball Private Foundation.
Today Guenter (Pindigi) owns about 570 pinballmachines and 70 Jukeboxes with a lot of rare games and other oddities.In Pindigiland at Ruprechtshofen he have his storage and restore workshop . With Ron Seunig and Terratechnica he found a Friend and a place ,where his lifedream becomes realized colossal.