Opening hours:
We are opening again on April 5th!

More info here.


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Living Legends

The first Pinballmachine, the largest Pinballmachine and the most expensive or the rarest Jukeboxes ...all these famous Collectibels. You can see all at our Time Travel Journey Museum Terratechnica. See the worlds largest Collection with mechanical, electrical and elektronics Jukeboxes, Pinballmachines, Arcade Games from through out the decades.
Discover throughout 8.500 sqm over 850 Jukeboxes, 200 Pinballmachines and 500 Videogame Classics.
Meet Spiderman, Superman, Batman and Ironman and the original Batmobil from 1989 Movie in Sector V of 6 Sectors.

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Time Travel...

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Magic Machines , Time Machines

Which Jukebox was playing as my grandpa ask grandma for a dance ? Which pinballmachine did my dad spend all of his Money ? Which technical mechanisum was working ,which design was modern at  this time ? Transport Yourself to another time and learn something about past decades.

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Terra Technica History >>