Hall of Videogames



Looks like a Youngtimer, but also over 40 Years old are the Video - and Computergames. For a special Sector we buyed and present now a lot of games. It starts with the classic Videogame " Pong " from the seventies and follows with Pac Man and Space Invaders to the VR Consoles.

Near 300 Video and Computergames are waiting for You . Some Games You can play  at the Museum and we hope it  remembers to  your childhood. Traditional trade marks like Atari, Philips, Colecovision, Intellivision, Vectrex, Nes, Commodore, Amiga, Sega, IBM brings Your Eyes to glow .




Kaufen Sie Ihre Jukebox - gebraucht as it is -unrestauriert oder Spielbereit restauriert !


hier klicken -- Weg zum JUKEBOX SHOP

Details sind im verlinkten seperaten Shop zu finden .


Terra Technica


direct at Family City

Chvalovice - Hatě 194

CZ 66902 Znojmo

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Reception: +420 770 105 013


Andrea Weisová (Marketing)
+420 724 724 110

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csm maps CZ male 35123f8e20


Google map 


Shuttle bus from Vienna

Shuttle Bus to Terra Technica and Family City :

+43 1 3208559 from Friday noon-Reception Museum: +420 770 105 013

Link Info : Shuttle bus from Vienna



Entrance fee

incl. bonus



Admission charges


Admission€ Price / Bonus
Total - all Sectors / Worlds 14,90 / 1 Token free
Kids to 6 Years free
Kids 6 to 16 Years 7,90 /1 Token free
Familycard (2 adulds & 2 kids to 16 year) 34,90 / 4 Token free
Seasoncard / 1 Year needs a picture id 39,90
"Sound & Vison" adulds 5,- / 1Token free
"Sound & Vison" Kids 6 to 16 Year 3,- / 1 Token free
Tour Guide - Ask for Special price ! 149,-

Token price list

Tokens for pinball and jukebox games.

tabulka tokeny tt euro 2022 12tabulka tokeny tt kc 2022 12

For Travel Agencies / Buses, Tour Operators and Clubs - we have special Packages


We offer special packages and events upon request. In the Terra Technica museum, it is possible to organize, for example, a private party in a specific atmosphere.
For groups with more than 15 members, we offer a modern audio guide (for up to 50 people), and the price varies according to the size of the group.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Muzeum "Terra Technica"

The Thrill of the forbidden ...


The world largest Museum of Jukeboxes and Pinballmachines dedicates a special theme of the daily life. Coinoperated Machines only for entertainment, Chill out and gambling. The older generation watch this with a big portion of suspicion.


Today they are relicts from a forgotten era and they becomes a new life at Terratechnica .Small technical wonders at work with mechanical, electrical or electronical life inside -special at the historic time.


About 950 items from between 1890 to 2018 presents a complete summery of the development from a automatic musicmachine.The Museum presents also the desire of the people to play music himself or automaticly.



Opening hours


We are open on the following days from 11 to 18 o'clock:



5.4.-6.4.- Saturday- Sunday
11.4.-21.4.- Friday- Monday
26.4.-27.4.- Saturday- Sunday



1.5.-4.5.- Thursday- Sunday
10.5.-11.5.- Saturday- Sunday
17.5.-18.5.- Saturday- Sunday
24.5.-25.5.- Saturday- Sunday
29.5.-1.6.- Thursday- Sunday


Welcome - Tv teams / radio and National and International Press


..the Gamestage is real big  ( 8.500sqm )

Someone from Las Vegas  was here at the VIP Opening ..and  he was very big surprised that  all stuff here is " real "  ...no fake machines  ..no copies :-)

Pics here are free . Special pics and Media data give us an e-mail to

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Logo Terra Technica


csm logo s vlajkou 05fadef192


Press Pics

Sound & Vision Opening - 18. 10. 2018





Some Pics in our World


Video 1 - Short Preview ...the beginning ..and the persons behind


Video 2 - Vip Opening Sept. 2017 - Regio


Video 3 - Making Of and Public Opening Sept. with Karel Gott


Video 4 - W24 Spezial: nostalgia and nothing more


Video 5 - Terra Technica in 60 seconds


Video 6 - Excalibur City & Terra Technica


Video 7 - Terra Technica • Jukebox, Pinball & Videogames Museum


Video 8



take Time for a Visit !


You can find in our big Shop :

  • Jukeboxes Oldies (used and brandnew)

  • Pinballmachines (used and brandnew )

  • metalsigns , Retro  other  Decos

  • Records (over10.000)

  • Terratechnica – CULTCoffee (0,5 kg)

  • Chocolade in Jukeboxdesign

  • Speakers  like Seeburg  --Teardrops and Wurlitzer

  • Vouches for visit or special Event  at the Museum

  • You have a jukebox to repair /restore  or for sell - Contact us  !
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Around Terratechnica

Traveling to Terratechnica is always a big profit and a great Impression


Around TT You find :

Sound & Vision

New section in museum Terra Technica.


New section in museum Terra Technica for european jukeboxes and pinballs.

Conference hall

Are you looking for suitable premises for your congress, seminar, conference, celebration or other important events…? Contact us, we will arrange everything!


We offer rental of a hall with a total capacity of up to 200 people.

We will be happy to provide you with a technical background. Preparing the space according to your wishes is a matter of course.

  • Size:

    260 m² (conference hall)

    300 m² (conference hall + adjoining bar)

  • Technical equipment:

    4k projector, 7.1 Dolby Surround sound system

  • Catering:

    We offer small snacks, American or other themed banquets to catering for the most demanding customers.

  • Free parking with a maximum capacity of 320 cars right in front of the Terra Technica Museum!

    Accommodation in the Jukebox Hotel www.jukeboxhotel.com, which is directly opposite the museum.

If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us:

Bc. Andrea Weisová

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+420 724 724 110

American Diner Vinyl Restaurant Cafe

A stylish restaurant based on the motifs of the 50s and 60s


It offers not only burgers but also other snacks such as Hot Chicken Wings, onion rings, milkshakes, excellent coffee, and desserts.
The restaurant is part of the Terra Technica museum, and the entrance to the restaurant is free.





The company Excalibur City s.r.o., with registered office at Hatě 183, Chvalovice, ZIP code 669 02, ID: 255 15 705, registered in the commercial register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno, section C, file 29444, (hereinafter also "We") as the administrator of your personal data as:
    - visitors to Jukebox & Pinball, Time Travel Museum Terra Technica in the shopping and entertainment center Family City and
    - users of the website www.terratechnica.info,
    - participants in consumer competitions organized by us in Terra Technica or on the Terra Technica Facebook profile (https://www.facebook.com/Terratechnicajukes), as well as
    - guests staying at the Merlin's Camp operated by us, located at Hatě 194, 669 02 Chvalovice (hereinafter referred to as "stayed") and
    - participants in events organized by us related to Merlin’s Camp services and
    - those interested in accommodation at Merlin's Camp,
    - users of the website www.merlinscamp.com,
    - users of the website www.merlinsfarm.cz,
    - visitors to Merlin's Farm in the Family City shopping and entertainment center,
    - participants in events organized by us at Merlin's Farm
    - informs participants of consumer competitions organized by us at Merlin's Farm or on the Facebook profile of Family City about the collection and other processing of personal data and privacy protection principles described below.


In this privacy policy we explain:
    - what data do we collect about you and for what reason,
    - how we use this data,
    - to whom and in what cases the data may be transferred,
    - for how long we process the data,
    - what options we offer, including accessing and updating data and what other rights you have.
If you do not understand something or need additional information about the processing of personal data, you can also contact us at any time at the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Why we collect and process data
We collect and further process data for the following reasons:
    - so that we can contact you back and provide you with information that you have requested, for example, via the contact form at www.terratechnica.info, by phone or e-mail, based on our legitimate interest;
    - to fulfill our contractual obligations to you, for example if you have purchased a season ticket - an annual card to Terra Technica, or if you are staying at Merlin's Camp;
    - to be able to use photos or video and audio recordings for our promotion, promotion of our activities such as the operation of Tera Technica, Merlin’s Camp or Merlin’s Farm and the promotion of the Family City shopping and entertainment center, if you have given us your consent or entered into a contract with us;
    - in the case of consumer competitions organized by us for the purpose of organizing such competition (administration, evaluation and announcement of winners) to fulfill our legal obligations as an organizer (e.g. according to the Consumer Protection Act) and on the basis of our legitimate interest in marketing associated with the competition (including the announcement winners by publishing them;
    - to protect our interests, including protecting and supporting our business;
    - that we have a legitimate interest in documenting the events organized by us and using the photos taken or video and audio recordings for our promotion, Terra Technica promotion, Merlin’s Camp promotion, Merlin’s Farm promotion and Family City shopping and entertainment center promotion;
    - to fulfill our legal obligations, e.g. in the case of accommodated persons, obligations under Act No. 565/1990 Coll., on local fees, as amended or under Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the residence of foreigners, as amended regulations, or
    - so that we can send you newsletters that contain commercial communications about news, products and services that we provide and that we think may be of interest to you, based on our legitimate interest in promoting our products and services (direct marketing), if you are as our customer, you have not rejected the sending of commercial communications from us, or on the basis of your consent to the sending of the newsletter.


Contract fulfillment, communication
The provision of data for the purpose of fulfilling the contract and the provision of data for the purpose of answering questions raised by you or information requested by you are our contractual requirement in order to be able to enter into and fulfill the contract with you or to be able to contact you. In the case of concluding an accommodation contract, the provision of some data is necessary due to the fulfillment of the legal obligation to levy and collect local fees, or reporting the stay of foreigners. Failure to provide data may result in failure to conclude a contract or failure to provide answers to your questions.


If you have given us your consent to process your personal data, you or your child, for example for the promotional use of photos or audio and video recordings in which you or your child are captured, you can revoke your consent at any time by sending a consent revocation message to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Documentation of organized events
Events organized at Terra Technica, Merlin's Camp and at Merlin's Farm are usually documented and taken by participants with photographs or audio and video recordings (hereinafter referred to as "photos and recordings") in which the participants are captured. We place these photos and records on websites related to the organized event such as www.terratechnica.info, www.merlinscamp.com or www.merlinsfarm.cz (depending on which activity the event relates to) and the website of the shopping and entertainment center Family City www.familycity.com and to our user accounts and accounts set up for the event on social networks (Czech and Austrian) such as Facebook or Instagram. These photos and recordings capture the progress of the given event and we do not intend to process in any way sensitive personal data (a special category of personal data) that may also be captured in such photos and recordings. We will not mark you or your child as specific participants in the published photos on the website related to the organized event. On social networks, such a designation of a specific person may be possible, but it depends on how you, as a user of such a network, set up your privacy protection.
If you need more information, contact the organizer on site, we will be happy to provide you with additional information and explanations.
If you still do not wish to publish a specific photo or recording in which you are captured at the event, let us know in the case of the Terra Technica event at the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., in the case of the Merlin's Camp event at the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and in the case of event Merlin's Farm to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will make the necessary arrangements.


Family City shopping and entertainment center newsletter
If you have asked us to send you a newsletter regarding the Family City shopping and entertainment center, including Merlin's Camp, Merlin's Farm, Terra Technica or Merlin's Kinderwelt, you have given us your consent to process your email address, or names and surnames. We use your data precisely so that we can send you newsletters that contain commercial messages about news, products and services that we provide ourselves or that relate to the Family City shopping and entertainment center, and which we think might be of interest to you. You can withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of sending the newsletter at any time by sending a message about the withdrawal of consent to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will no longer send you the newsletter. The newsletter may be sent via our business partners.


Merlin’s Camp Business Communication
If you are our customer - staying at Merlin's Camp and you have not refused to receive commercial communications about our news, products and services for direct marketing purposes, we may, based on our legitimate interest in promoting our services, use your name, surname and email address to to send you such a message. You can refuse to receive commercial communications at any time and this will not affect our other mutual relations. Just send us an email with the relevant request to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or another address from which you received commercial communications from us. In addition, we will inform you in each such communication about the possibility and method of refusing to receive electronic business communications in the future.


Organization of consumer competitions
The provision of personal data for the purpose of organizing consumer competitions (e.g. on our Facebook profile) is voluntary, but it is a prerequisite for participation in the competition, without providing personal data it is not possible to participate in the competition.


Scope of personal data processing
In particular, we process the following data:
a) name and surname
b) where appropriate, the name and surname of the legal representative
c) address
d) telephone contact
e) email address
f) signature


in the case of participants in consumer competitions:
a) name, surname, or nickname,
b) information about participation in the competition (date and time, information about the prize, collection of the prize and related communications)


for those staying:
a) address of place of permanent residence or place of permanent residence abroad
b) ID number or travel document, or visa number
c) date of birth
d) citizenship
e) period of accommodation
f) purpose of stay
g) data necessary to demonstrate exemptions from the legal obligation to levy and collect local fees (blind persons, helpless persons and persons with severe disabilities who hold a ZTP/P card and their guides, persons under 18 years of age and over 70 years of age or persons, which include allowances for children (educational allowances) or soldiers in basic service and persons performing civil service)
h) other data that you provide to us


in the case of your consent or the conclusion of a contract regarding promotion as well
a) capture of physical appearance and manifestations of a personal nature;


for users of the website www.terratechnica.info personal data provided via the contact form and for those interested in accommodation at Merlin’s Camp:
a) name and surname
b) email address
c) other information you provide to us;


for participants of events organized by us:
a) capture of physical form and manifestations of a personal nature
b) other data that you provide to us.


Who has access to your personal data
Personal data will be processed by Us as the administrator. We may transfer personal data for the above purposes to our collaborators who participate in our services and to subcontractors who perform services on our behalf. We make sure that these entities have an obligation of confidentiality. This is, for example, our accounting office, photographer, marketing campaign provider, newsletter sender, portals providing mediation of accommodation services, etc. We do not intend to transfer your personal data to a third country or an international organization.
As regards personal data captured in photos and recordings of the event organized by us, these are accessible to users of the website related to the organized event such as www.terratechnica.info, www.merlinscamp.com, www.merlinsfarm.cz and www.familycity.com and Czech and Austrian social networks such as Facebook and Instagram.
In addition, personal data may be made available to other entities for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations, such as state authorities, including the foreign police of the Czech Republic.


Time of personal data processing
We will process your personal data for as long as necessary, namely:
    - in the case of personal data provided as a result of your request for the provision of information, for which you requested e.g. via email message (or telephone (especially those interested in accommodation) or via the contact form on our website, for a period of usually 6 months;
    - for the period during which we will provide you with our services or fulfill a mutual agreement and for reasons of legal protection for another four years after that, or
    - in the case of the organization of consumer competitions, for the duration of the fulfillment of legal obligations and the period of their control (for example, according to the Act on Consumer Protection) and for the duration of the legitimate interest;
    - in the case of those accommodated at least for the period required by law (in particular by Act No. 565/1990 Coll., on local fees, as amended and Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the residence of foreigners, as amended);
    - in the case of photos and recordings for promotion for the period according to the consent granted, or until the consent is revoked;
    - in the case of photos and recordings from organized events, in the case of photos and recordings for the duration of the company's existence or our organization of similar events;
    - in the case of processing based on your consent to sending the newsletter until it is revoked; or
    - for the time necessary to protect our legal interests;
this applies if a longer period is not required by law (e.g. in the case of fulfillment of archiving obligations according to valid legal regulations, such as the Accounting Act, the Act on Archiving and Records or the Value Added Tax Act).


Security of personal data
We handle your personal data responsibly and in accordance with Czech and European legislation. We use automated as well as manual means to process personal data.
We have adopted technical and organizational measures that prevent misuse, damage or destruction of personal data. At the same time, however, the fact that the transmission of data via the Internet is inherently insecure, and therefore we cannot guarantee 100% security of the data sent in this way.
If, despite our best efforts, a security incident should occur and this incident could mean a high risk for your rights and freedoms, I will immediately inform you of such fact, primarily via the email address provided.


Your rights
In relation to our processing of your personal data, you can apply:
a) the right to access personal data, i.e. at any time you can request our confirmation as to whether personal data concerning you are or are not being processed, and if so, for what purposes, to what extent, to whom they are made available, how we will process them for a long time, whether you have the right to correction, erasure, limitation of processing or to raise an objection, where we obtained personal data from and whether automatic decision-making takes place based on the processing of your personal data, including possible profiling;
b) the right to correction, i.e. at any time you can ask us to correct or supplement your personal data if they are inaccurate or incomplete;
c) the right to erasure ("the right to be forgotten"), i.e. we must erase your personal data if (i) they are no longer needed for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed, (ii) the processing is unlawful, (iii) you object against the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing, or (iv) we are required to do so by law;
d) the right to restriction of data processing, which means that until we resolve any disputed issues regarding the processing of your personal data, we must restrict the processing of your personal data;
e) the right to object to processing, if you object to processing for direct marketing purposes, we will no longer process your personal data for these purposes; if you object to processing in other cases of processing based on legitimate interest, we will not process your personal data further, unless we demonstrate a serious legitimate reason for processing that outweighs the interests or rights and freedoms of you as a data subject, or for the determination, exercise or defense of legal claims;
f) the right to portability, i.e. at any time you can request your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, if we process them based on consent or contract and do so automatically; if it is technically feasible, we will transfer your personal data directly to another administrator designated by you.


You may exercise all of your rights by contacting us at the above address or by emailing us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (for Terra Technica matters), iThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (for Merlin's Camp matters) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (for Merlin's Farm)


If you feel that we are not handling your personal data correctly, you can contact the supervisory authority, which is the Office for the Protection of Personal Data (www.uoou.cz), with your complaint.


Processing of personal data of children
When providing our services, we also process the personal data of children to the extent necessary, for example, if it is a record of persons staying or records for the purposes of promotion or records for the purposes of documentation of the organized event. Regarding the processing of children's personal data, we usually communicate with the persons who exercise parental responsibility for the child, i.e. mainly with the parents, taking into account the age of the children. Of course, these principles, including the rights described above, also fully apply to the processing of children's personal data.
Our website www.terratechnica.info is not intended for children under the age of 16. We do not process the personal data of children under the age of 16 in this context. If you believe that a child has provided us with personal data, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will take steps to delete such data.


Further processing
The premises of the shopping and entertainment center Family City, including the premises of Terra Technica and the premises of Merlin's Camp, are monitored by a camera system with recording in order to ensure the safety of people and the protection of the property of Us as the manager and the monitored persons. Information about the processing of personal data by the camera system is available at our location, namely at the Central Security Office - office building at Hatě No. 182, 66902 Chvalovice, as well as at the Merlin's Camp reception located in Jukebox & Pinball, Time Travel Museum Terra Technica at Hatě No. 194, 669 02 Chvalovice.


Changes to the Privacy Policy
We will update this privacy policy at our discretion to reflect changes to our practices regarding the processing of personal information. We therefore recommend continuously monitoring this Privacy Policy. The privacy policy is current as of the stated effective date. If you continue to use our website after the changes become effective, your continued use of our website means that you are aware of those changes.


This Privacy Policy is effective from 08/18/2022